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Composition Workshop 4 - TNSP


Self-Paced Composition Courses are accessed through our learning management system. The students are guided by clear weekly schedules, detailed writing prompts, and rubrics. Courses are written to be completed in one academic year, but students set their own pace. No grading is provided. Access is for one calendar year.

Composition Workshop 4 - The American Idea

This workshop includes thematic essays and imitative assignments to accompany GB 4: The American Idea

Workshop Description: Thematic composition workshops are provided to accompany our Great Books Courses. The assignments require students to "reflect & write" on questions discovered in the readings and discussed in Socratic discussion. Writing is often required to be imitative, mimicking the style and word choice of the great works read. The course is not a formal class on writing, but is a supplement to our Great Books courses. Students write 6 compositions during the year.

Recommended Age Range: 11th grade
Required Tech: Computer and internet connection capable of video playback.
Required or Recommended Books and Materials: None for this course

ACCESS? Login credentials are emailed. Access is not automated nor immediate.

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