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8th Grade Self-Paced Complete Books and Subscription

8th Grade Self-Paced Complete Books and Subscription

The Traditio Nostra 8th Grade ~ Self-Paced Complete Books and Subscription Bundle includes digital access to the core subjects of the 8th grade year as taught at Oxrose Academy and the books and materials required for those courses. 

Courses are accessed through our learning management system. The students are guided by clear weekly schedules, instructional videos, and automated assessments. Courses are written to be completed in one academic year, but students set their own pace. No grading is provided, but answer keys are available for most courses. Access is for one calendar year. 

The following courses are included with 8th Grade:
More Information ~ See the individual course descriptions for each self-paced course.

Books and Materials Included with this Kit are:

Outlines of History: The Jews, the Greeks, & the Romans

WHEN WILL I RECEIVE ACCESS? Login credentials are emailed to you after purchase within 1-5 Business Days. Access is not automated nor immediate.
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