History 4-6: Ancient & Classical Times: Schola Rosa Cycle 1
History 4-6: Ancient & Classical Times is for students in grades 4-6 completing the Schola Rosa Home Curriculum. Now that students have the Classically Catholic Memory Timeline and History sentences memorized as well as have a familiarity with historical myths, legends, people, and events, we begin to move students into a more formalized study of History by including weekly discussions and more detailed timeline activities. We want to see students relate to the people of the past as well as develop a knowledge of past events, and we achieve this through the mini-Great Books discussion scripts provided for teachers and parents. These are flexible scripts, so feel free to introduce debates and plays as well. To improve speech and presentation skills that were developed in the K – 3rd grade range, students give a timed speech at least once per year on an historical figure that fits the cycle.
For the parent who wants a checklist, here are items you want to see finished for this age group:
- Read (or listened to audio recordings of) historical literature chosen for each unit.
- Memorized the CCM History Timeline and History Sentences for each cycle.
- Completed the Map Assignments and passed tests administered on map memorization.
- Completed Timeline Assignments and passed tests administered on timeline memorization.
- Completed one formal textbook from the “Extra” section of the History Subject Folder.
- Completed Discussions and Compositions.
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