2nd – 3rd Grade

2nd - 3rd Grade

Pre-Requisites: Completed Schola Rosa Kindergarten and First Grade Sequence

What do I purchase?
K-6th Grade - Digital Subscription

Your child will complete 2 Cycles during this age range. If you are new to Schola Rosa with your 2nd or 3rd Grader, ask Schola Rosa Staff or your local director with what cycle your child will begin.

Questions? Call (507) 215-3174 or email scholarosa@gmail.com



Subject 2nd-3rd Cycle 1 2nd-3rd Cycle 2 2nd-3rd Cycle 3
History Creation to Fall of Roman Republic (44 B.C.) Birth of Christ to Renaissance Renaissance to Today
Geography Ancient Geography and CCM Medieval Geography and CCM Modern Geography and CCM
Science Plant & Animal Life – Observation Earth Science & Astronomy - Observation Chemistry & Physics - Observation
English/Poetry 28 Primary Language Lessons: Writing and Grammar 28 Primary Language Lessons: Writing and Grammar 28 Primary Language Lessons: Writing and Grammar
Religion Our Holy Faith, Book 2 Our Holy Faith, Book 2 Our Holy Faith, Book 2
Latin/Greek English from the Roots Up Little Latin Readers, Primers A and B Greek Primer
Music 18 Voice Lessons 18 Voice Lessons 18 Voice Lessons
Art 18 Art Theory and Practice Lessons
18 Art Theory and Practice Lessons 18 Art Theory and Practice Lessons
Virtue-Training 28 Virtue Lessons
28 Virtue Lessons 28 Virtue Lessons
Memory Work CCM - Schola Rosa Edition provides Memory Work that draws from both Classically Catholic Memory and the Schola Rosa curriculum. CDs now available! Subjects include: Catechism, Scripture, Latin, History, Science, Math, Timeline, Geography, Great Words I and II.
Math Ray's Arithmetic Series
Phonics, Reading, & Spelling The McGuffey Readers 2 - 3
Speech Students are placed on a rotation schedule either at home or by their local director to present in Science class about something that relates to that week's Unit in Science. Frequency of presentation is locally determined.


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