Homeschooling is for crazy people!

Homeschooling is for CRAZY people!


Every year we willingly embark on the greatest adventure and most challenging endeavor a parent of multiple children can endure. Yet we love it!

Cassatt_Mary_The_Young_Mother_(Mother_Berthe_holding_her_baby)_c._1900For each of us the journey began within our hearts. Although we might have come to the decision to homeschool our children for varying reasons, we are united through the hope that we can fill our children with godliness and virtue. The journey of homeschooling will have its ups and downs, yet together we can support each other and persevere.

With the beginning of school comes the ever anticipated 1st day, which can bring great excitement and even a bit of trepidation.  For homeschool families, the beginning of school is not just sending our children on their way, but it is a time of preparing our own hearts and homes.  Our job as parents is to be prepared both physically and spiritually for the year ahead.

1to4yearsoldIt is our hope that everyday will flow smoothly, full of wonder and excitement for learning. However, there will be dreadful days. Everything will seemingly fall apart.  The road will get bumpy, and maybe full of muddy ruts.  Children will cry, parents will cry, and everyone will want to give up. Yet, these are the days of growth, when we have the opportunity to teach our children perseverance and joyfulness in the midst of trials. We MUST never give up. Perseverance for the sake of becoming virtuous is a great lesson that we can teach our children.  If we as parents complain and begrudge the task at hand, our children will reflect such attitudes, yet if we choose joy, our homes will be filled with hope and goodness.  St. Paul admonishes us in Romans 12:12 to “Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.”

As a community of homeschoolers we have the opportunity to walk together on this journey, and to support each other, gleaning from the wisdom and advice from one another.  I implore you to lean on each other this year, and to build each other up with kindness and charity.

Even though we might not be neighbors, we can stay connected by joining together in the various Schola Rosa community-building endeavors: Teacher and Director Check-in’s, Facebook, Forums in each online suite, and the Schola Rosa Journal (Post comments!).  Also, please share with us images or videos of your homeschool activities, your classroom set up, or other tips.  If everyone gives a little we can benefit from one another. During C.S. Lewis’ annual Shakespeare lecture, he said, “The next best thing to being wise oneself, is to live in a circle of those who are.” It is our hope that together we can look back on this year’s journey and relish the community we have built.

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