Religion Lesson ~ Remembering All Saints, November 1

All-Saints Day Religion LessonSUBJECT MATTER ~ Feast of All Saints, November 1

    1. To develop the knowledge of the purpose of this feast.
    2. To awaken in the child the desire to share the happiness of the saints in heaven.
    1. Approach
      1. In heaven all the people know that Jesus is God. Can you tell who these people are?
      2. Show pictures of saints in heaven.


  1. Who the Saints Are Read Aloud: The saints were at one time boys and girls like you. Now they have reached their home, just as you hope to do. They are in heaven with God and His angels. They are God’s close and special friends. When the saints lived upon earth they loved God more than they loved themselves. They loved no one more than God. They showed their love for God by doing everything for Him. They were willing to suffer for Him, even to die, as long as it pleased Him. Now they are always happing, seeing God face to face and enjoying the heavenly home.
  2. Our Patron Saints Read Aloud: Among the saints in heaven are your patron saints. These are the saints in whose honor you were named. When you were baptized, those patron saints took you under their care and now they watch over you, pray for you to God, and do all possible to help you join them in heaven. Pray to your patron saint to help you become a saint, too.
    1. Who is your patron saint? (Have children name their patron saint.)
  3. All Saints’ Day Read Aloud: There are many saints in heaven. There are more than just those whose names we see on the calendar. Heaven is full of God’s friends. The feast of All Saints, a holyday of obligation, is the day on which the Church honors all those men, women, and children who are sharing God’s heavenly home. It is a day we should use to make up our minds to lead good lives and assure ourselves of becoming saints also. What joy is in heaven on All Saints’ Day, when the Church honors them by special prayers.
    1. Explain “holyday of obligation,” and how holydays must be observed.

Follow-Up Questions & Suggestions

        1. Who are the saints?
        2. Why are the saints in heaven with God?
        3. Who is your patron saint?
        4. Does every saint in heaven have a special day on which we honor him?
        5. Whom do we honor on All Saints’ Day?
        6. What must every Catholic do on that day? Why?
      1. Explain that students can do the following:
        1. Make little sacrifices for the love of God.
        2. Show kindness to others.
        3. Be obedient at all times.

Suggested Learning Activities

    1. Find out what patron saint each child has and tell some interesting events about those saints.
    2. Begin a pictorial booklet of the saints.
    3. Read “Your Patron Saint,” in Their Hearts are His Garden
    4. Catholic

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